CRC Plastic Putty 3.5 Litre Kit

CRC Plastic Putty 3.5 Litre Kit. Key benefits include:
- Comes with - 75ml Cream Cleaner
- No shrinkage – Cures by chemical reaction so it will not shrink unlike common air drying fillers.
- Has fast curing
- Smooth and easily applied
- Exceptional adhesion
- Special formulation
- Prevents sagging and pin-holing
- Cures tack free
- Compatible with basecoat/clearcoat systems - eliminates staining and/or bleeding of basecoat
- Can be sanded, filed and painted
CRC Plastic Putty 3.5 Litre Kit. Technical data:
- Material Type: Filled polyester composite
- Hardness: Easy to abrade
- Cured Colour: Light pink
- Hardener Type: 50% BPO Paste
- Addition Rate: 2% (1:50)
- Performance Characteristics
- Pot Life: 5 - 8 minutes
- Full Cure: 20 -30 minutes
- Height: 16.50 cm
- Width: 17.00 cm
- Depth: 17.00 cm
- Weight: 3.60 kg