Sikafloor® Level PRO Finish 9kg

Sikafloor® Level PRO Finish 9kg
Sikafloor® Level PRO Finish is a fast-drying self-priming skim coat that provides a smooth flat surface when dry.
- Very low VOC
- Green star certified
- High moisture tolerance
- Suitable for castor wheels loadings
- Non-combustible
- Fast drying
- Self-priming on smooth trowel finish concrete
- Applied from feather edge up to 4mm
- Applied in combination with suitable materials from Sikafloor®, SikaBond® & Sikadur® ranges
- Installed as a skim coat over internal concrete substrates, masonite underlay or CFC sheeting prior to subsequent fooring materials
- Can be used on walls and floors to smooth roughened/damaged concrete
Mixing Ratio 1.4 - 1.5 Litres of clean, cool water per 3kg of powder.
Consumption 25-30m2 can be reached with 3kg of Sikafloor® Level PRO Finish when applying as a skim coat over a smooth porous concrete surface. Multiple coats may be required when installing over textured substrates & Sikafloor®-14 Prep 'N' Prime Consumption will vary depending on surface conditions.
Layer Thickness 0 - 4mm
Ambient Air Temperature
- Minimum 10°C
- Maximum 35°C
Pot Life 10 - 15 Minutes @ 23°C. Do not mix more product than can be applied within 15 minutes.
Waiting Time / Overcoating Flooring can be installed only when surface is dry and can be worked on without damage (usually 20 – 30 minutes @ 23°C).